MGEU - Manitoba Government and General Employees Union

CFS Central Support - Local 265

Approx. Number of Members
Current Contract Expires
March 24, 2023
MGEU Staff Negotiator
Eric Jenner
Elected Bargaining Committee Members
Gloria Neufeld, Angela Dyck


On October 23, 2024, members voted to accept a new four-year agreement.

The new agreement highlights include general wage increases, the addition of a new step at the top of each wage scale, increases to the 15-year long service step and the addition of a new long-service step at 20 years.

Other improvements include increases to the health care spending account and vacation increases for long-serving employees.

Overview of Bargaining So Far

Members of CFS Central Support - Local 265 had an opportunity to put foward their ideas and proposals for improving their collective agreement at a Local meeting on July 18, 2024.

The Bargaining Committee then pulled together these proposals into a package to exchange with the employer.

On September 10, the Bargaining Committee reached a tentative agreement with the employer. Highlights of the tentative agreement include: general wage increases, vacation day increases, and a health spending increase.

At the ratification vote on October 23, members voted to accept the agreement.

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