MGEU - Manitoba Government and General Employees Union

Get a Membership Card

Your MGEU Membership Card

Even if the MGEU is your union, everyone in your workplace still has to fill out a membership application to officially become an MGEU member. Applications can only be signed if you are an employee in a workplace which is already represented by the MGEU. If your workplace is not yet represented by a union, contact our organizing department through our Resource Centre.

Once you fill out an application, we'll send your membership card with your name and a six-digit number on it. That number is your MGEU membership number (aka Membership ID).

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Once you have that card, the MGEU can start sending you important information about what is happening in your union – including at the bargaining table – and where your dues are being spent. It also means you'll be able to save on everything from furniture and gardening supplies to fitness passes and legal services throughout Manitoba – just by showing your membership card.

How to get a membership card

Just follow these three easy steps:

  1. Open the online application form and fill it out, including your personal email address. (Pour la demande en français)
  2. Go to your email inbox of the address provided and open the confirmation message from Adobe.
  3. In that email, click the "Confirm my email address" link to verify your signature. You must complete this step for the form to go through.

Once that’s done, the application is complete and you should receive your membership card in the mail within a few weeks.

Lost your membership card?

If you have misplaced your membership card and would like to request a replacement, please do not fill out the application form again. Simply contact us to request a replacement card.

Prefer to fill out a print application? Contact us to request a paper application in the mail.