This week, MGEU President, Michelle Gawronsky continued the Care Comes First tour in the Interlake and Western Manitoba – asking members in health centres and personal care homes to take their break with her and talk about health care.

Members continue to be stretched thin and short-staffed, while worrying about what the government’s continued cuts might mean for them and the patients they care for.

“It’s difficult for anyone to go about their job with this much doubt hanging over their heads. It really makes it tough when, in the back of your mind, you’re always wondering, ‘what will be cut next?’” said Gawronsky. “Members are getting burnt out from being short-staffed and they want to know, ‘Are more cuts coming? When will this government negotiate a new contract with us?’”

Gawronsky has been able to tell members that bargaining committees in the MGEU HCSS Component are ready and eager to get going with negotiations. So far, employers have been unwilling to schedule bargaining dates. The government wants HCSS workers in each region to be covered by one union and one collective agreement — but they haven’t told the unions or the employers exactly how this will happen, or when.

To provide members with an update and talk about the issues, the MGEU will be calling HCSS members in public facilities to participate in a tele-meeting on Monday, November 6 at 7 pm. Affected members need only stay on the line to take part.

This Week’s Care Comes First Tour Stops:

  • Selkirk Hospital
  • Teulon Hunter Memorial Hospital
  • Gimli Community Health Centre
  • Arborg & District Health Centre
  • Arborg Personal Care Home
  • Lakeshore Health Centre
  • Swan Valley Health Centre and PCH
  • Benito Health Centre and PCH
  • Roblin Health Centre & Crocus Court PCH
  • McCreary Alonsa Health Centre & PCH