They call it “renewing Manitoba’s non-profit sector,” but will the government’s new plan for non-profit organizations mean even less funding for our community-based agencies?
The Manitoba government is developing what it calls “a new strategy” for non-profit organizations. While a recent press release strikes a positive tone, reading between the lines raises many questions about the future of Manitoba’s non-profit organizations who deliver vital public services in our communities.
As part of their “new strategy,” the government is asking for feedback in an online survey. Anyone who recently worked with or for a non-profit organization – either as a staff member, volunteer or donor – or has received services from such an organization is welcome to take the survey. For those who deliver these services every day, it’s an important opportunity to make their voice heard, by stressing the importance of keeping these vital services public and well-funded.
The survey focuses on building capacity, identifying partnerships with other organizations, and finding new ways to leverage “non-governmental dollars” through fundraising.
MGEU President, Michelle Gawronsky, says it’s important for every organization to innovate, but recent experience shows that any talk from this government about ‘reform’ can be worrying for the workers who provide our public services.
“Every time this government talks about a ‘new strategy’ or ‘reforms’ the result seems to be job cuts and cuts to funding. Based on what we’re seeing with their health care reforms right now, all Manitobans should be worried about what the government’s new strategy will mean for our community-based services. I know the workers who deliver these services are stretched thin and any further cuts could spell the end for some of these much-needed services.”
Gawronsky encourages all members working in non-profit organizations to take the survey. It requires about 20 minutes to complete, allows for short paragraph responses, and includes limited space at the end for general comments.
Members can take the survey in English or take the survey in French but please do not complete the survey at work. Written submissions will also be accepted, and can be emailed to All submissions and survey responses must be sent by June 30, 2019.
more information, visit the
government’s consultation webpage, or read their discussion paper: Building
Capacity and Promoting Sustainability in Manitoba’s Non-profit Sector.