MGEU - Manitoba Government and General Employees Union

Université de St-Boniface (Instructors, APETP) - Local 149

Approx. Number of Members
Current Contract Expires
July 31, 2024
MGEU Staff Negotiator
Myriam de Denus
Elected Bargaining Committee Members
Lisa Roch, President; Julie Savard, Vice-President; Jacqueline Avanthay Strus, Steward


To date, a significant number of non-monetary items have been discussed.

Upcoming bargaining dates are November 22 and 29 and on December 13, 2024. After this, negotiations will pause for the holidays.

Monetary items are planned for discussion in February 2025.

Overview of Bargaining So Far

Members of Université St-Boniface (Instructors, APETP) - Local 149 had an opportunity to put foward their ideas and proposal for improving their collective agreement at a meeting on June 5, 2024.

The Bargaining Committee then worked to pull together these proposals into a package to present to the employer.

The Table Commune Bargaining Committee and the employer exchanged proposal packages on June 7, 2024 and continued bargaining throughout the month.

Negotiations will break for three weeks in July and resume in early August.

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